Because companion animals are not disposable

Providing long-term or short-term homes for animals in need

"There is always room for one more" was my Mom's moto growing up, and we had a menagerie of animals over the years.  We are continuing that philosophy with the May Family Foundation's mission to provide loving homes for animals that might not get adopted otherwise.  There was a three-legged elderly cat with health challenges, a horse with damage to a hoof that made her unrideable and in need of corrective shoeing for the rest of her life, and the list goes on.

Our mission is to provide loving homes for these animals for the rest of their life, or for a season of their life.

Long-Term Care

Some animals come to us for the rest of their life.

Learn More

Short-Term Care

Others come for a season.

Learn More


This work gets expensive - food, supplies, veterinary services, and more add up quickly. If you would like to support our work, please use the "Contact" link to do just that.


Want to get hands-on with the work of the foundation? Get in touch to see what is possible.

Are donations tax deductable?

Yes, we are recognized as a 501(c)3 organization by the IRS.

May I see your 990 form?

Of course - here it is
  • Maryville, Tennessee, United States

Note - we do not provide grants to other charities or foundations.